terça-feira, 31 de agosto de 2010

Ashhh again

Existe algum modelo melhor que o Ash Stymest?? Não conheço. Por favor, caso haja, me apresente.
Este menino é incrível. Não me canso. Não sei nem se dá pra falar sobre o repertório mil de poses dele, pois tudo parece tão espontâneo e direto. Expressões também absolutas.

Hoje passei o dia INTEIRO no trabalho. Dia de fotografar o atrasado catálogo de verão 2011.

Nem entrarei em assuntos da faculdade agora, mas está pesado o bastante pra eu não postar nem mais os desenhos do dia aqui.

E o som do dia, me passaram agora a pouco: Dave Matthews

Is there a better model than Ash Stymest? If it has I do not know. Please, introduce to me.
This boy is incredible. I never get tired. I do not know nor even speak about the repertoire thousand poses it, because everything seems so spontaneous and direct. Expressions also absolute.

Today I spent all day at work. Day of the shooting late summer 2011 catalog.

I'm not neither going into the affairs of college now, but it is heavy enough for me to not post these days or even the drawings of the day.

And the sound of the day, was sent to me a few minutes ago: Dave Matthews

sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010


Estava arrumando meus arquivos no PC e achei essa foto minha.
Super tosca e com a maior vergonha usando o vestido de um grupo que estava apresentando a coleção no 2º ano da faculdade (2008). Lembro que o tema das meninas era "barata".
E não é que o vestido era lindo? Gostaria de ter um em outra cor.

E reparei que meu cabelo continua a mesma coisa, só que 15cm maior. Queria cortar, mas não sei como. Nunca tive o cabelo tão cumprido assim também.

Odeio não ter feito no cabelo as coisas que gostaria. Sempre por um veto e falta de incentivo. Qual o problema mudar de algum jeito diferente? Cabelo cresce.

Quando era novinha queria colorir de verde hahaha. Minha mãe não deixou e agora não tenho mais idade pra ter o cabelo colorido.
Teve uma outra época em que queria fazer um moicano, e o que ouvi foi: "Se você raspar as laterais da cabeça eu termino de raspar tudo e você fica careca". Tinha uns 14 anos, não era uma boa idade pra ser careca. rs
O máximo que mudei foi ter o cabelo bem curtinho, mas eu não sabia cuidar de um jeito legal.
E acho que o único corte que já deu certo mesmo pra mim foi um chanel bem acentuado.

Hoje tenho o cabelo enorme como nunca e não sei o que fazer. Ainda mais por até hoje não entender como é meu cabelo. Não é liso, não é enrolado.

Uma coisa que tenho vontade é raspar uma lateral. Que nem a Alice Dellal. Fiquei com isso na cabeça des que a vi num editorial da I-D ano passado.

Muitas mulheres começaram raspar a cabeça nos ultimos tempos. Como exemplo de mais famosos: Cassie e Rihanna. E as vezes vejo gente na rua e na faculdade.

Essa banalização(não é bem a palavra que eu queria usar) é sempre boa. Abre umas cabeças, faz as pessoas se acostumarem, muda olhares, inspira, evolui.

Enfim...acho que vou acabar não fazendo nada de especial no cabelo.

I was arranging my files on the computer and found this picture of me.
Full of shame wearing the dress of a group that was presenting the collection in the 2nd year of college (2008). I remember the theme of the girls was "cockroach".
And the dress isn't beautiful? I would like to have one in another color.

And I noticed that my hair is still the same thing, only 15cm higher. Wanted to cut but do not know how. I never had hair fulfilled as well.

I hate not have doing things in my hair like I wanted. Always for a veto and lack of incentive. What's wrong changing somehow different? Hair grows.

When was young I wanted color my hair green hahaha. My mother did not leave and now I'm old enough to not color my hair.
Another time I wanted to do a mohawk, and what I heard was: "If you scrape the sides of the head I end up shaving it all and you'll be bald. I was 14, was not a good age to be bald. lol
The most that I changed was having a very short haircut, but I didn't knew how to care looking good.
And I think the only hairstyle that has worked for me it was a chanel well marked.

Today I have the huge hair like never before and I do not know what to do. Even more that I do not understand how is my hair. Not straight, not curled.

One thing I want is to shave one side. Like Alice Dellal. I was with this in mind since I saw an ID's editorial last year.

Many women began shaving their heads in recent times. As an example of the most famous: Cassie and Rihanna. And sometimes I see people on the streets and college.

This trivialization (not quite the word I wanted to use) is always good. Opens some heads, make people get used, change views, inspires and evolves.

Anyway ... I think I'll end up doing nothing special about my hairstyle.

quinta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2010


I understand what I did was wrong, but I think you should forgive me.
I only did it because you have severe commitment issues, and possibly an undiagnosed personality disorder.
There's something wrong with you.
There's something wrong with me too.
I just don't know why you're doing this.

Is this really what you want?

Are you being serious right now?
Is it over?
Are you okay? Please, just tell me what you want from me.
Is this really what you want?
What's wrong? Is something wrong? What are you thinking about?
What's wrong? are you okay? Is this really over? Is it over?
This isn't gonna work out. Why can't you just talk to me?
Do you really want this to be over? I just feel like we don't communicate.
Is it over? I wish you would just listen. This isn't gonna work out.
But listen, maybe we're just not compatible. Why do you always do that?
Just be serious. Please talk to me. I just wanna go to sleep.

After a while you will go home, And you won't call and I won't either and we'll forget each other.
And you won't call and I won't call.
And after a while I won't like you anymore and we'll forget each other.
And after a while you will be beautiful and alone inside your coffin, and I'll be cold and alone inside of my coffin, and we'll forget each other.

Are you okay? I'm really worried about you.
What are you thinking?

And after a while you will be beautiful and alone inside of your coffin and I'll be cold and alone inside of my coffin.

I'm not sure if we have a future together. Is this really what you want?
You're making this impossible, you're impossible.
Is this really what you want? Are you being serious?
You're being serious. Oh my God, this is it!

I don't know what to do when you look at me.
I don't know what to say to you, I don't know what to say to you.
I don't know what to do when you look at me, I don't know what to do when you look at me.
I don't know what to say to you, There's nothing I can do for you.
I don't know what to do when you look at me, cause there's nothing I can do for you.
I don't know how to say the shit that needs to be said to get through to you.
I don't know what to do when you look at me, like I did something wrong to you.
I don't know what to say to you.
I don't know what I'm supposed to say to you.
What did you expect from me?
You've been living in a goddamn dreamworld, and you don't know what the fuck you want.

Is This Really What You Want? - "Jesus Christ" (the indie band)

Desenho do dia

Achei um sapateiro, fiz uns testes de tingimentos nos tecidos, orcei a impressão, encadernação e caixa da monografia.
Falta por a mão na massa. Vam criá.

I found a cobbler, did some tests in dyeing fabrics, budget printing, bookbinding and the monograph box.
Need getting hands dirty. Let's create.

segunda-feira, 9 de agosto de 2010


Ao som de Kid Cudi


TCC (Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso = Completion of Course Work) aka TG (Trabalho de Graduação = Graduate Work)

ando = doing

Listening Kid Cudi

quinta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2010


Hora de começar escrever a monografia.

Dica que o professor deu pro resto do ano:

É indicado no tratamento auxiliar do stress e suas manifestações como déficit de concentração e memória, cansaço, irritabilidade, ansiedade, tristeza, medo e insônia.

Time to start writing the thesis.

Tip of the teacher for the the rest of the year:

It is indicated in the adjunctive treatment of stress and manifestations of poor concentration and memory, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, sadness, fear and insomnia.


Croquis dos looks produzidos da coleção Space Vagabond do segundo semestre de 2009 (3º ano FASM)

Moda não é o que você escolhe trabalhar. É uma desculpa pra viver o que você é.

Sketches of the produced looks for the collection "Space Vagabond" in the second half of 2009 (3ª year)

Fashion is not what you choose to work. It's an excuse to live what you are.